Thursday, June 26, 2008

Into Africa

It's been a wild Summer so far.  Between the preparation for the Red Bull Experiment on July 11th and X-Fighters Texas (which has come and gone with a so/so performance on my part), I decided to stick to my word and head down to South Africa for the biggest FMX show ever brought to the original "Dirty South".  Besides getting sick and having to ride a sub-par bike, i was pumped on the Masters of Dirt show and the people of South Africa.

My good friend Jason "Party" Moriarty led the show as well as the babysitting club for all of us foreigners.  As you can probably see by the pics, the Safari was the highlight!  By some coincidence, we lucked out and got a private tour by the "Lion Park" park Ranger.  I'm pretty darn busy catching up since the trip, so I can't go on and on, but hopefully the pics help tell the story.

Until next time.. RR Out!


Kevin said...

Hey Ronnie,

we so happy you digged it here in the dirty south, hope you had a great trip, thanks for coming and showing us how to whip it with style over a step up.It was great pitting next to you.
Hope to see you again,tell Michelle we say hi,next time we really show you where the cool parties are at,

Hang it out!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin & Jessie

Unknown said...

thanx renner 4 coming 2 S.A it was great!!!!!!Are u feeling better now?(guy with the blonde hair)dont think you'll remember me but it's cool.from lessing.keep it on one wheel..911

Darryl said...

Ren Dawg

Word up G

Good havin ya out ,thanks for the pointers in step up and throwin it down
Big ups on the Xperiment - that was sick

catch you again soon in the South


Darryl Burmeister
Fox Retail