Sunday, March 2, 2008

Another one bites the dust

It's late as heck here in Rotterdam, Holland.... Or should I say early?  Whatever the case, I am just getting my stuff together before heading to the Airport and figured I'd drop a quik line about the weekend.  It also helps that a really cool local Dutch photographer named Jeremy Staay was on top of his game and already sent me some really cool shots from the weekend.  You can scope out his works @ .
As for the show, it was pretty fun.  A lot of cool friends and riders were in the show and it was a really low pressure gig even though they made it a contest format.  I won teh whip contest both days and pulled a2nd in the fmx on day 2.  My old buddy Matt 'cooter brown' Buyten kicked our butts pretty bad both days in front of his Heritage home crowd.

So now its back to reality.  I'm on the quickest flight home possible to hopefully make it to see some of my little guy Nates baseball game.  It's his 3rd game and I am so bummed that I have had to miss games due to my freegin schedule of shows.... It's tough, but hopefully one day I can slow it down and still make that money.  Nobody has ever said this whole 'Life' thing was easy, thats for sure.

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